Some years ago I realized that languages aren’t my only passion. I have met a new delight — mobile technologies. But it became obvious that mobile content isn’t accessible for everyone, because it often lacks one crucially important thing — translation.

That’s why I began to translate the apps I was interested of. Then it became some kind of hobby, I joined the professional translators community on XDA where we translate different apps created by our estimated developers.
The thread was started by a highly respected XDA member benkxda, later I was assigned to maintain it. Only four of us were awarded by the community «XDA Recognized translator» title, I am one of them.

The work is going on. Here I’d like to present you some of my translatıons made within our XDA community and outside. Not all of those were made by me personally, some were created by many volunteers in a single crew where I had a happy chance to participate. Meet these useful programms and some other interesting stuff!
What’s there on this poorly designed kind of site:
«Добро пожаловать (Welcome)» section is the main page of my site, here you can see all explanations in Russian. To switch to English please use translation widget, located in every page’s left bottom part
«Интересное (Interesting)» section is to publish everything. If I find something interesting, I will publish it here. If someone has anything to offer for this blog, you’re free to post it in comments to be transferred to this section by me later, or just use the contacts section to contact me.
«Работы (Works)» — translations, articles and everything related to my work. Sure, if you yse this content, please insert links to this site and my copyright.
«Приложения (Apps)» subsection offers my translations of mobile apps and works of translators crews I was part of.
«Переводы (Translations)» subsection presents some my other translations including those having no relation to mobile technologies.
«Статьи (Articles)» subsection includes my articles related both to mobile stuff and other themes, mostly cybersecurity.
«Музыка (Music)» section just makes my site more funny, it presents my favorite bands and music I have just found and was impressed by. I am a kind of metalhead, but mostly I like symphonic, melodic, power, gothic, sometimes industrial and trash metal. You can taste and appreciate it himself!
If you want to see all posts without categories in chronological order, please press HERE
«Контакты (Contacts)» section doesn’t need explanation, I suppose? 🙂